Francois-Xavier Lalanne French, 1927-2008
Length: 6.6 in (17 cm)
Depth: 7.8 in (20 cm)
Height: 29.9 in (76 cm)
With Plinths:
Length: 14.1 in (36 cm)
Depth: 14.1 in (36 cm)
Height: 82.4 in (209.5 cm)
An iconic Francois-Xavier Lalanne piece, Singes Attentifs I and II with gold patina were created in two variations: the most successful “A” with head to the side (our variation) and “B” with head facing forward.
Quintessentially Lalanne, the monkeys evoke Ancient Egyptian statuary, especially the famous baboon frieze of Abu Simbel as well as Imperial Roman busts, both a major sources of inspiration for the artist. Moreover, one can clearly perceive influences of the great masters of twentieth century sculpture such as Francois Pompon and Constantin Brancusi, which come through in the purity of line, distilling the animal’s shape to its essence. The monkeys draw the viewer in with their piercing, almost human eyes while their playful posture adds a touch of humor – FXL’s signature trait.
Lalanne had the idea of placing his stunning pair of Singes Attantifs on individual plinths when his longtime friend and collector, Madame X purchased them for her ever-expanding Lalanne collection. Inspired by Ancient Egyptian obelisks, the plinths are also an homage to Brancusi. One-of-a-kind and designed especially for this commission, the plinths elevated the gold monkeys to pharaonic heights.
Formerly in the collection of Madame X (close personal friend of Claude and Francois-Xavier Lalanne. This work has been especially designed for previous owner’s winter garden.)
Brown bronze variation:
Les Lalanne, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, March 17 to July 4, 2010.
Brown bronze variation illustrated in:
Lalanne(s), Daniel Abadie, Ed. Flammarion 2008, p. 342.
Les Lalanne, exhibition catalogue, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, p.108, 2010, Ed. Les Arts Décoratifs.
Variation B illustrated in:
The Lalannes by Daniel Marchesseau, Ed. Flammarion 1998, p. 134.
François-Xavier and Claude Lalanne: In the Domain of Dreams, Adrian Dannatt, New York, 2018, p. 117.
Lalanne Bestiaire, P. Mauriès, Ed. Presse de Serendip, 2022, p. 48-49.